Proveedor global de sistemas de eliminación de residuos

Product Knowledge

  • Tire Baler Machine
    Baler machine is a machine that people use to wrap tightly different products made from different materials like rubber, paper, cotton, etc. The baler helps to reduce the size and prepares different articles to transport or for shipping and storage. Different baler machines are useful in the process
  • Printed Circuit Board Recycling And Equipment
    Printed circuit board is also known as PCB or green board. They are used to mechanically support and electrically connect electronic components using conductive pathways, traces, etched from copper sheets laminated onto a non-conductive substrate. There are many old, non-working, un-repairable or di
  • Hydraulic oil for baler machine
    Hydraulic oil for baler is necessary for good working of a hydraulic baler machine. Because all kinds of pumps, valve components, cylinders, pipes and filters are all working under hydraulic oil. So it is very important to ensure that baler machine;s hydraulic system is operating properly. Mai
  • What is the difference between single shaft shredder and double shaft shredder?
    What is the difference between single shaft shredder and double shaft shredder? Both Single shaft shredder and double shaft shredder are commonly used in waste recycling field, but they are different in a few aspects.1. Machine structure is different:Single Shaft Shredder is equipped with only one s
  • Baler Machine For Sale
    As the waste recycling development, waste size reduction is a great concern during the whole recycling process. For example, you have huge amount of cardboard in the collection center and need to deliver them to paper mills. But how to make the transportation cost effective and efficient? Baler mach
  • Scrap Tire Recycling Line
    For years, scrap rubber tires, generated when old and worn tires are replaced with new ones, were tossed into landfills with abandon. Designed for a rugged life of use under a car or truck, tires are made of vulcanized rubber, which means they decompose very slowly. Accumulation of the discarded tir
  • Foam Shredder Machine
    Foam can be found in egg cartons, fast food take-out containers, plates and cups etc. Because it is lightweight, insulates well and inexpensive, many packaging uses it. You can be easy to see them in our daily life. Foam is a recyclable material and foam recycling is feasible. Both foam shredder mac
  • Closed Door Baler Machine, Horizontal Closed Door Baler For Sales
    Closed door baler machine also refers to horizontal closed door baler. This kind of horizontal baler features with a closed end and also popular as closed end baler. It offers a broad selection of waste materials; baling solutions. Also it can make denser bales compared with open door baler machine.
  • Automatic Horizontal Balers Introduction
    Automatic Horizontal Waste paper balerDo you want to know how paper waste is recycled? Here is the process.The first step is Collection, transportation and storage.The biggest task for paper recycling companies is probably the collection, transporting and sorting of waste paper. This is because we a
MENERPAT es una empresa internacional con fábricas en el Reino Unido, Alemania y China. Nos especializamos en clasificadoras, trituradoras y empacadoras para todo tipo de residuos reciclados como metales y plásticos. En ENERPAT, creemos que "La calidad cambia el mundo" y demostramos la mejor calidad de equipos del mundo con una creencia centrada en las personas.

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55 Crown St, Brentwood, 
Essex CM14 4BD,UK
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